Social Skills or Pragmatics
What is social pragmatic language?
Social pragmatic language is involved in our daily interactions with others. It encompasses both verbal communication (what and how we say something to other people) and nonverbal communication, or “body language” (eye contact, gestures, posture, physical distance, etc). Unfortunately, not everyone can easily master the skills that are essential in using and understanding social pragmatic language.
Strong social pragmatic skills enhance our lives helping to meet new people, make friends, express feelings, communicate thoughts and ideas, tell stories, maintain good relationships, succeed in class and, ultimately, in life. Lack of the above-mentioned skills can lead to social isolation, low self-esteem, anxiety, lack of confidence and academic failure. Intelligence and good speech are not predictors of adequate social skills: sometimes a highly verbal child who speaks in clear and grammatically correct sentences may have difficulties communicating effectively with peers and adults. They need to learn, understand and use social interaction skills in a secure environment.
How can we help?
Our specialists created a Social Butterflies Communication Enrichment Program that is designed to build social skills and help children learn how to:
- Establish eye contact
- Be patient and wait for his/her turn
- Seek attention and request assistance properly
- Listen and follow directions
- Cooperate and share
- Help others
- Keep trying and not giving up easily
- Ask and answer questions
- Use words to resolve conflicts
- Deal with teasing
- Deal with anger and frustration without tantrums or physical contact
- Ask for permission rather than act impulsively
- Read faces and express own emotions
- Accept responsibility for own actions
- Use polite words and praise others
- Start and maintain a conversation
- Tell stories
Treatment sessions may be delivered individually and/or in small groups.
One-on-one sessions are tailored to the individual needs of each child and target specific skills through direct instruction, modeling, puppet play, turn-taking games, etc.
In addition to individual therapy sessions, we conduct group sessions that activate all levels of social skills and facilitate generalization of therapy results to real-life situations. In a small group of peers, every child is provided with multiple opportunities to practice new skills in a fun and secure environment. Groups are matched by age and developmental level: 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years, and 5-6 years of age.
For more information on how to enhance your child’s social pragmatic skills, please contact our specialists.